The Northern Lebanon Soccer Club is proud to be partnered with RaiseRight gift card program!! Remember, every gift card you sell or purchase is worth 100% of what you pay for!
Below is a link to download all of the vendors that are available. You pay the face value for a gift card to a major retailer, restaurant, supermarket, move theater, you name it, they have it! In return, the club will receive the listed percentage of your purchase.
It is great for the holidays, birthdays, or special occasions.
Prior fundraising have enabled us to keep registration fees down and to provide uniforms to all of our U9 and above players. Thank you for supporting our club!!
**Club's top seller will receive a $50 gift card of their choice**
***ANY Player selling more than $1500 in gift cards will receive a $25 gift card of their choice***
The holidays are coming-even if you don’t like to give a gift card, you can use a gift card to purchase a gift!! With the wide variety of choices from Giant Foods to Texas Roadhouse or American Eagle for clothing to Walmart or Target for everything else-everyone you know has a need for a gift card.
The Northern Lebanon Soccer Club wants to thank you for your participation!!